Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Struggles of Young Males in an Eglish Classroom

1) How does the "troubled classroom" stereotype affect the teachers approach to teaching the class?

2) How does context play a role with boys and their achievement in school?

3) In what ways can we (teachers) promote literacy among young men in our classroom?

4) How will having a male teacher in class change the boys' demeanor in your class?

5) do males and females find the same literature appealing? What types of texts appeal to male readers?

I have just begun to scratch the surface in my research. However, I found an article that supports my subject, but I have yet to read the whole thing...

I hope that I am on the right track and plan on hammering away on this more this weekend. Please include any feedback that may help me. I apologize for not having more of it completed at this time however I will be back on track by next week.

Again, I hope my questions have the proper direction to drive my topic. I look forward to reading your feedback. Thank you!

The two articles that I plan on using are:

Reading Problems, Attentional Deficits, and Current Mental Health Status in Adjudicated Adolescent Males

Written by: Natalie O'Brien
Jennifer Langhinrichsen-Rohling
John Shelley-Tremblay

Psychosocial factors and reading difficulties: Students with reading difficulties drawn from a representative population sample

witten by: Anne Mari Undheim and Anne Mari Sund

1 comment:

  1. Josh,

    I'm definitely interested in your topic. It seems that this discussion comes up each class period as we consider how each text will "work" with our students. You are reading the Smith text "Reading Don't Fix No Chevy's" correct? I think this book will serve as a great resource as you investigate your questions. One idea Smith brings up consistently is the idea of "Flow." I think the authors' discussion on this topic might also inform you with your research questions. It looks like the articles you've found have some hard data to work with. I'm not sure about the one on "Adjudicated" youths, however. Unless this is where you want to focus your investigation. From what I've heard you express in class, it seems that you are most interested in engaging male learners in traditional classroom settings.

    I think part of your investigation deals with the "attitudes" or "preconceptions" that teachers have regarding teaching "male" vs. "female" readers. As in, "this book might appeal to girls, but not boys..." I'm wondering how research or even hands-on observation or maybe interviewing might inform this point of view.

    I would check the English Journal or at least search through the NCTE search engine through our library, to see what other "practical" classroom advise, observations, or applications might be available through these publications.
