Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Harry Potter

I'm not gonna lie.... I think I might be done bashing this Harry Potter character. I actually enjoyed reading this book so much that I am thinking about watching the movie. I was a big fan of the Quidditch chapter. I feel that they could probably write a book on the sport of quidditch and I would read it. What a great idea for a sport. Now only if we could have flying brooms... I would try out for sure. Anyway, my FanFic is going to be about the whole incident where Quirrel is trying to have Harry fall from his demented broom, which Quirrel has cursed, which we think Snape has put a spell on but it really turns out that Quirrel is the big jerk after it is all said and done. But This FanFic will follow the whole incident through the eyes of Quirrel, who is really the two faced, sneaky, bad guy at the end of the day.

As Harry was engulfed in the heat of battle, he decided to pounce on his opportunity to capture the Snitch. Knowing that this will gain Harry even more fame, Quirrel decided to foil Harry's attempt. Quirrel, sneaking around as his normal self, began casting a spell on Harry's Nimbus Two Thousand.

...With Hermione and Ron looking on, they knew something was fishy about the whole situation. Hermione, grabbing Hagrid's binoculars began looking in the crowd to see who the culprit was. There he was, Snape, staring Harry down while mumbling his curse, over and over. How silly could he be? To be in plain sight, chanting his curse. Hermione, furious sprung to action and started after Snape. She snuck up behind him and lit his cloak on fire. It was minutes before he had known about the fire...

"Stupid children. You thought the whole time that it was Snape casting the spell. However, if it wasn't for you, Harry would have fallen to his little death." stated Quirrel. "Professor Snape was trying to reverse the curse, which is what you saw from across the field."

Quirrel had been sneaking behind everyone, trying to get his hands on the Sorcerer's Stone. If it weren't for Fluffy gaurding the post, he would have stolen the stone very easily. The first night Harry showed up at Hogwarts, Quirrel snuck up to get his hands on the stone. Fluffy nearly tore him to shreads but he cast a spell sewing its mouth shut. He still couldn't get in so he went back and thought of a better plan to get by the three-headed creature. Which is why the harp played when the three kids showed up to see what the deal was near the end of the book. Quirrel thought his plan was so full proof but in the end my man Harry prevailed once again!!

The FanFic thing is kinda fun. If there is one thing I stink at it is definitely writing a story. I guess this could just be a sample of something I could try to get into more. I'm serious when I say that I loved the Quidditch portion of the story. Being the jock that I am, I really got into it....

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